15 minute content
The twice weekly newsletter that saves you time, increases engagement and levels up your writing at lightning speed
Here's exactly what you get:

2 x templates emailed to you every week (Monday and Thursday) so you don't have to waste time finding and creating templates yourself

Example of previous usage so you can get more context and apply the template easier and faster

Additional thoughts on why it worked from Matt Barker who has written over 10,000 pieces of content and driven 7 figures with organic social content

Suggestion on what part of your content funnel to use it in so you can effectively manage your content schedule + strategy

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Send Me Your 'Sell with Social Proof' Training Too

Exclusive offer - only £97
You want to attract clients on the regular?

You'll need to learn how to write content that makes your Dream Client desperate to work with you and reach out to say "take my damn money".

In July 2023, I hosted a live Sell with Social Proof training session with over 40 founders, freelancers and solopreneurs who all learned how to write compelling sales content that attracts dream clients (without being arrogant or pushy).

Get instant access to the recording. Only £97.

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